The unsung heroes of the cricket family are no doubt those who work tirelessly at the community level to ensure our game is strong from the ground up. The ANZ New Zealand Cricket Awards provide the perfect opportunity for NZC to recognise some outstanding contributions from members of the cricketing community. Below are the Wellington winners of the 2019-20 Community Cricket Awards.
Volunteer of the Year – Dave Gillespie, Taita District Cricket Club
Dave’s 33-year association with the Taita District Cricket Club has been instrumental in the increase in junior cricket. In 2003, a once strong junior cricket club had dropped to numbers so low that Saturday morning cricket became a distant memory. However, during the 2012-13 season Dave worked closely with the local Development Officer to rejuvenate both junior and youth cricket by providing free access to participant-centred cricket for all ages. All Dave’s hard work paid off with a dramatic increase in school students exposed to cricket. The club has recognised Dave with a lifetime membership.
Sir Jack Newman – Rick Mudgway, Johnsonville Cricket Club
Rick’s association with cricket in Wellington began in earnest in the early 2000s when he started coaching his sons at Johnsonville. Over the last 20 years Rick has fulfilled almost every volunteer role imaginable, from Club Captain to Senior Chair, from Selector to Manager and everything in-between. Irrespective of Rick’s many contributions, it could be argued that his greatest impact has been in the junior space.
At the beginning of the 2012-13 season, Rick began a seven-year stint as the Johnsonville Development Officer, as part of Cricket Wellington’s “One Club” Programme. Staunchly proud of the Johnsonville region and club, he set about ensuring primary-aged children had ample opportunity to experience cricket. Rick developed relationships with local primary schools and on average more than 1000 primary-aged children per season received access to cricket awareness and Superstar skills sessions. During Rick’s tenure, the junior club increased its numbers by nearly 33 percent. This tremendous growth was a by-product of increased in-school activity and enhanced community relationships.
In the 2015-16 season, Rick stepped into the role of Junior Convenor as there was no-one suitable to fill this role. Little did Rick know he would be the Junior Convenor for three seasons. This was in addition to his role as Club Captain, which he has held since 2007. Understanding the need for all junior participants to receive access to quality coaching, Rick and the junior committee made it mandatory that all coaches undertake training, police vetting and a first-aid course, two years prior to NZC and Major Associations following suit. This learned-centred approach highlighted Rick’s dedication to providing an outstanding experience for junior cricketers.
In addition to his work with the Johnsonville Cricket Club, Rick has served as the Coach, Manager and Selector for the Cricket Wellington Year 8 team since the 2017-18 season – a role he’s taken great pride in, seeing a number of the Year 8s he first took to Hawkes Bay during the mid-2000s, progress into the Wellington Under-17 team. His contribution to junior cricket in Wellington sees him frequently go above and beyond expectations and he is a constant advocate for athletes receiving better opportunities to experience the game we love. It’s a testament to Rick’s drive and desire that junior cricket in the Johnsonville region continues to grow and develop.
Rick is the type of person that every club and organisation needs. He is passionate about his beloved Johnsonville CC, where people call him the unofficial Mayor of Johnsonville, and he is tireless in his work to ensure every team in his club is treated fairly and equally.
Article added: Thursday 30 April 2020