The Player Development Programme has been developed for Year 8’s of all abilities acknowledging that everyone grows and develops at different ages and stages. The sessions will have a focus on athlete development (leadership, building resilience, strength and conditioning) and technical cricket skills.
We have three PDP locations:
Northern hub @ Onslow College
Sunday 29th of October, 12pm – 3pm and Sunday 26th of November, 11am – 2pm.
City hub @ Scots College
Sunday 12th of November and Sunday 10th of December, 10am – 1pm.
Hutt hub @ Trentham Memorial Park Indoor Centre
Monday 4th and 11th of December, 4pm – 7pm
The cost is $40 and includes 2x three-hour sessions and a Player Development t-shirt.
Register on PlayHQ here: https://www.playhq.com/new-zealand-cricket/register/f939a0
Article added: Thursday 19 October 2023